Home After Home

As I look out that double pane glass

And peering down the side

Watching as the blue car starts to pass

I just duck down to hide

Suddenly it turns into our drive

I just look at the door

My bags are packed I feel like I’m gonna die

I know whats instore

I have seen this many times

For what did go wrong

I didn’t see the signs

But the road is gonna be long

The pain I feel inside my soul

For everyone had hurt me so bad

I just need that peaceful thing to make me whole

Its something I’ve never had

A tall lady walk inside

Just  greeting at the door

She said she was giving me a ride

Later she would tell me more

I remember sitting in the car

Just waiting for us to go

I remember hold a green frog named star

I just wanted to know

And as I sit in that car

Just thinking what I did so bad

I never really know the family so far

Never really had a dad

As I was adopted a year from then

And life had sucked from the start

I just was locked within

Nothing was good…..they took my heart

As I was locked in that room

A dog food all around

Chunky Beef is what they had

To drink is toilet water…I drank from the ground

I can still think of that room

As I close my eyes at night

The no shades on the window

I had only the moons light.

I remember just laying there as I looked outside

Just wondering what was going on

I had no one to confide

Not even as simple as a mom

And so when that day came

For them to take me away

The pain inside by the name

Its called Defective in every way

So we take that trip through the city

Just watching the car go by

My froggie and me

I just start to cry

What is my life gonna be

Going from home each year

To feel that family…to be close to thee

To feel some love so dear

And so we come to that house

A place to lay my head

Trying not to stir arouse

Hopefully there’s a warm bed.

So we get out of that automobile

Look for a safe ground to run to

Not a dark spot…or a hole in a hill

Who gonna hurt me now…if only I knew

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