Egypt: Coptic: Pyrimids:? ( pigmies)? Amazon? people? chaser? and dissem person!

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My time is here and I am ok

with leaving my shadows

and the lies of the past,

the secret that people kept

maybe yes I never talked or was silent

as a child and my dad was a good teacher


My working mom was amazing and looks still good


My husband and partners and my in laws are ok now

but they will want me to say that they are right and my family is wrong and

my spiritual husband, partner and his friends, my boss and family will call me a "Liar"


The Support I belong to will say oh, she is ok, she is only into winner

and yes that is what the principles say but that is not fair. 

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 Jlo/Heba 228 2021/09/08 2 years ago