There is A Cure For Every Disease

As the religious world had Pharisees and Sadducees against Jesus,so does the medical field have medical-Pharisees and medical-Sadducees,who wont allow for cures for diabetes and aids and cancer, to be published so that they keep gratifying themselves on monetary gains,as every cured patient means a lost customer,as aptly put by one protagonist of the genuine cures that is hated by orthodox pharmaceutical entities that are interested in milking the poor nations,by always supplying them with treatments, instead of cures.And though this principle of curing and there by losing a customer,  ramifies into manufacturers too,(as you who were there before twenty years ago when Chinese products were respected worldwide as they had strong brands that could last as much as the British type,until recently when they realised that they need to make things that go up to some point so as to enable them return for more and thereby keep us in business),here,however,what is worst is the one who treats human life badly for his insatiable appetite for financial fattening,which is as unsatisfiable as the earth,in demand for more cadavers; and that is what needs addressing here.
The principal used,is,keep treating them,and you have an incessant flow of money,into your account,and if any other person who doesn't ascribe to this principle,shows up, claiming a cure for such things like diabetes,hypertension and or even including the so much publicized 'killer',called HIV AIDS and cancer,see as much as possible,how to punch holes into their claims,so as to make sure that the world believes and keeps on ascribing to our doctrine of NO CURE for these diseases.
I recall a live testimony of a lady who had the current well known killer infection. She got prayed for and as a step of faith,because the man of God proclaimed over her that it was done,she went to see her doctor for retesting,which surprised the medical personnel as they knew there was no cure for such,and yet even more shocked when this same lady turned out negative as she was well known among them,as a regular customer.It goes on to say that the lady said she was going to testify publicly about what had happened to her,which threatened the doctor into asking her point blank,not to go and testify,because he would lose clients...
Here we get too that among doctors,there are also some who need witnessing to,about cures being available for so called killer diseases,where some will receive the light and follow,while others will remain,even continuing to parrot the 'no cure' doctrine,genuinely blindly,or ungenuinely blindly,so as to keep making an in come from the ignorance of the masses,who should never see the light,lest we lose them...
This,indeed,is part of what Jesus said,when He referred to the mystery of iniquity being at work,through one of His dear apostles.
There are certain extents to which a coffin maker can be tolerated in his business,
namely,when he conducts his business as clients come for help to him without his hand in the deaths of the people whose coffins he has to make,but when he goes to the extent of complaining that there is no business,because people are not 'dying',of course as that is what makes him put food on the table,then he can be placed on level one of witchcraft or Satanism,as that realisation will prompt him to go another mile as to how he would cause cash flow to increase in that area,by causing more clients to flow,which in this case,means causing more deaths.And I wonder how such will praise God in a church setting,testifying to the booming of business,over others' own tears!
While everything on earth can give money  opportunities,there is clean money,and so there is dirty money.It is dirty money that the pharmaceutical circles make,when they sit,blocking known cures and even going to the extent of elimination,by way of deportation,out of their bodies,of any medical personnel who practice and publicise known cures for killer diseases of this life,and not only medical doctors but all who may know something that may divert people's attention from their treatments.They are fully loaded,and well connected to the extent that they will send individuals at someone,who look like secret service personnel to silence you.
The world is big and so is the pool of human brain power.Therefore it is impossible for there to be no cure for any disease here on earth.Those in high levels of authority know it very well,and just in case someone comes up with medication that can stand to divert money from these perpetual self financial fatteners,they have made the fees so exorbitant,which one has to pay,if they want their proven medicines to be taken on as a registered product,going into hundreds of millions, oh how I wish it was in Zimbabwe dollars, for then,with these people's selfishnesses aside,maybe by now we could have had cures everywhere,available.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

There is a cure for all diseases
But yet it is fought hard against,
By them that are of the doctrine
     that Disease is good business.
Indeed,disease is very good business
But when one suppresses the Cure
To keep treating the masses instead,
Then so wicked is such a one,
Worth classifying as satan

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