First Meeting with the Aliens.

Bern's Prose.
  • First Meeting with Aliens.


  • The Telegram was marked urgent. It came as I was getting into the bath. Grabbing a bath towel I went to the door and saw the most beautiful young woman that I think I have ever seen. I think I blushed at seeing so much beauty. Vaguely I heard her say shall I wait for an answer. It was then I realised this was no telegram official taking my eyes from that fascinating face I looked at the uniform. This young lady was Military the rank was of a Major. I offered her a drink, read my telegram and dressed in about ten seconds flat The young Major showed no signs of surprise when I accompanied her down to a waiting limousine. I opened the door for the young Major and got into the car myself. The military chauffeur as soon as we were seated and the seat belts were fastened took off as if the devil himself was after him. One must have heard the squeal of the tyres in Washington D.C. No words were exchanged, the driver concentrated on driving and my pretty major had no time at all for me it seemed as if she had fallen for the driver. The limousine pulled to a quick stop. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for me and held it open for the pretty young Major. It was a dark night and I began to wonder was this all kosher, had I been kidnapped I stopped my hand from moving down to my army revolver strapped to my belt. A light, suddenly flooded one of the largest airfields that I had ever seen the driver politely said ,”please follow me sir. I marched along one step behind him then I saw the largest space ship standing on its ramp that I have ever seen. The driver stopped and turning to me he said, “Through that door sir they are waiting for you. The driver Saluted and walked back the way we had come. The Major much to my delight went in to the well lit room as myself. From all of the armed forces high ranking officers saluted the pretty young Major and myself. We were shown to two chairs that had obviously been placed in the middle of the table so that we did not have to strain to hear what was being said. Admiral Bentscombe was the first to speak. You two young people have been chosen to negotiate an alien race that has been hiding behind the moon. During this time they been watching television, radio and also telephone signals. We have managed to cut off the telephone signals but radio and television would have given away that we knew that they were there hidden behind the dark side of the moon.


  • The admiral of the fleet then handed me an envelope with detailed instructions of how I should speak and what I should tell them the Major was to accompany me. She was so to say my second in command. We we both escorted to the space craft. I told her to pilot the ship while I read through what I had been given to tell the aliens. I did not even have any idea of what they looked like let alone how to treat them. Apart from what all grown men learn from their Parents and that was good manners. Who knows a short sneeze from me and that could be so drastic that a war between two races could take place. No I did not like the amount of responsibility that had been placed on my shoulders. Another thing my pilot the Major was using some kind of tantalising perfume that wafted over to where I was trying to make some sense out of the papers that had been given to me. The words I must go to the ladies room woke me up from my day dream of the Major and me. I slipped into the Pilots seat and the major was forgotten. Coming towards me was the biggest ship that I had ever seen. A few electronic crackles and a voice spoke. “We are very pleased to meet the first people of the planet Earth.” I answered the voice, knowing that everything that I said was being recorded and broadcast all over the world, The Alien ship had been spotted miles away in space, Every country had been preparing for a war. No one knew what kinds of weapons the Aliens had but all were determined to defend the Earth. No on wanted aliens taking over the Earth in spite or because of the ever perpetual wars taking place mainly due to many of the wars being fought over this god or that. A thought that crossed my mind perhaps we will now have a strange foreign enemy and can forget our petty wars about some nebulous God or other. The Alien space ship was now very close. I for one hoped that they had come on a peaceful mission a ship this size would most surely armed with who knows what for weapons. A two man delegation using some form of propulsion made their way to the ship that I was now pilot of. I was surprised at our greeting the two aliens looked like any member of the human race. Just the slight accent told me that they were alien. They had come to earth to exchange sea water for the very modern apparatus that they had brought with them in exchange for our sea water. Being nosey I asked them why sea water. I was told that there were no more reserves of salt and they were hoping that we would give them our sea water for their apparatus and small machines. No the did not want no land if there was a way of getting the sea water to them by means of what we call ferries. I made arrangements for tons of salt to be shipped to the aliens. In exchange we were given all sorts of tools and equipment as well as a few plans to build such space ships such as they had. To say that the military were delighted would have been an understatement they were on top of the world plans for building and transporting such ships under their own power was an old dream of the powers that be.

  • Now every country that has the means produces salt in vast quantities. The beautiful Major and myself we are now married with two children of our own. We both are still on the pay roll of the United States Armed Forces and live comfortably within reach of the space port. Our friend Bern is writing this story down so that you all may have a first hand account of our first meeting with Aliens.

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