Weather Report? I Think Not.

Bern's Prose.
  • Weather Report? I Think Not.
  • No one and yet every one is noticing how the weather is playing havoc. Farmers can never be sure of any crops at Harvest time. Too much rain, too much sunshine, in fact freak storms, hurricanes and other things are upsetting the whole system that has existed for very many years. No body blames the real culprit it is the Sun itself that is slowly but gradually approaching the Earth. What are our meteorologists doing? Does no one look to see what is happening above our heads?
  • Many Pooh, Pooh, the idea that such a small system such as the Earth could pull the sun out of its way through the heavens. As usual no one takes any notice of what I say but I trust that someone up in Authority will look into this my warning about the Earth pulling the sun ever closer to the earth.
  • It is no good anyone asking me how I know this, I can only answer, look at the weather, what is wrong with the glaciers nearly all melted away, what about the poles anyone bothered to check how much snow and ice still exist, what will happen to the Polar Bears? Just a few examples. Will the sun go into reverse and pull away from the earth so that all will go back to what I call usual. Is there any proof that this happens or does not happen every thousand years or so. No one has lived that long and as far as I know, no written evidence has been passed down to warn us.
  • No there is no advantage in building a reinforced block house on stilts no not even on the highest mountain. The last great flood when it rained for forty days and forty nights was as far as I know the last real flood if the sun does get much closer there will be no water at all to cause a flood. I myself am not worried I have lived my life at well over eighty one is prepared for anything that may come. I feel sorry for the youth of this world they have no blame for what their elders have done or may have done. What religion will you call to if such a flood comes in say the next few weeks. Oh yes like many people that think they are strong you too will want some form of religion to comfort you. Of course you do not have to believe any thing I should write but please do watch that sun. Notice the ice melting on the mountain tops see the floods as they come and go destroying crop after crop what will there be to feed on. I see that it is no use my warning anyone no one takes any notice of me. I am no expert but I at least will have a clear conscience for this my notice that I have put to paper to warn this world. Your scribbler Bern.
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