Space Adventure.

Bern's Prose.


Space adventure.




The sun was one big ball of fire to the left of where we were situated. The Pilot and Captain of the Space Ship Eritreasen deemed it better to wait in this position until the sun released its next eruption into space.




The eruption when it came was so out of this world that grown hardened spacemen prayed to all of the gods known in the universe. How to describe the indescribable is one difficulty that I will spare you from reading about. It is enough to tell you that I have never seen or been so excited as I was at the moment of the eruption. Every colour known to man with perhaps a dominance of red and orange flowed through space enveloping our ship. The thrust of the motors pushed us all against some wall or machine the Doctor was kept very busy for a week or more applying ointments to bruises that one would hardly see at a professional boxing match.




Many were pleased that the Pilot and Captain had shoved the ship at full speed away from the eruption area. No one really knows how much damage the ship would have suffered if we had not got under way when we did.


 Conversations were many hat evening in the small ships canteen. Why the canteen was kept so small only the surveyors that built this monstrously small canteen can know the answer.




Sitting in the front nosed turret I was on the lookout for anything that looked as if it would come within attacking distance. Not only that of course I was on the lookout for lumps of rock, small meteorites and such things. Whatever I saw I passed on to the Pilot. Suddenly flying in from the left of the ship a huge bird or what I took to be a bird flew towards the ship. I pushed the right button although I certainly did not expect to find a flying object this far away from its mother world.




The strange sounding voice from the Captain startled me somewhat as he croaked out, what in ten bells was that? I explained to the Captain that what I thought it was. One huge bird similar to some of the old pictures I last saw before leaving my old school. Pterodactyl I replied some form of ancient birdlike creatures that once resided on the earth. The sudden scratching on the hull of the ship had me worried. That was sure one hell of a huge bird Pterodactyl or not. Then all hell broke loose. Engineers in space suits heavily armed with laser guns and the quick fire rifles that fired a hundred shots at the gently squeeze of the trigger. Each had hand grenades attached to their belts. I heard boots walking along the outside shell of the ship, I have forgotten to tell you that all space suits have magnetic souls to the underside of their boots.




It was impossible for me to hear what was going on, on the skin of the ship but I had an excellent view by turning my swivel chair. The Pterodactyl was defiantly facing the members of the heavily armed crew that had been sent to deal with the creature. Shot after shot hit the pterodactyl only to fly off into space. Then two hand grenades were tied together and flew toward the ancient bird. The explosion I heard but just as a wisp of noise. One of the engineers then approached the ancient bird like creature with a blank copper cable. The cable he wrapped somewhat daringly around the birds legs suddenly the ancient birdlike creature jumped high into space. I watched as the creature waved its wings half heartedly as if attempting to get away from this powerfully cable laden with electricity started to fry the thing alive. The rest of the journey was spent doing duties and arguing as to what creature that was that decided to settle on our space ship. One theory was that no creature of flesh and blood could exist in space without some kind of gas to breathe. Others claimed that a creature that size could not fly in space there was no air to carry such a body no matter how big its wings were. I myself did not take part in these discussions. After all I had seen what a charge of electricity could do to such a body. More stories to come keep looking best wishes from Bern.


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