No Time.

Bern's Prose.

No Time.


What a statement to make, No Time. No time for what? I see by the faces of my clocks that the second hands and the minute hands are in continuous motion showing me that time is being measured by my expensive chronometers.


I often hear this comment, ‘No time.’ from all kinds of people, both male and female. What on earth do they mean each person gets a chance of a lifetime to live; surely in that lifetime he or she will and can find time to do that what he or she finds necessary to do. Time that he/she needs to do some kind of action or reaction is always at one’s fingertips.


 I find this expression no time to be a wastage of words better employed in other statements; statements that earn the respect of those using them. Have I lost you in my thinking out loud? Good I have just wasted a few minutes of the time that you could not find. No Time indeed. Stop such tommyrot wake up to life one can and must find time to do that what matters most.


How much time is spent in your bed? You do not really know. Never bothered to work outdo not forget your weekend lay ins they all count. Finished reckoning, Now tell me that you have No Time.


How much time do you spend watching Television or listening to music. How often does music carry you off on one of its enchanting forays into near heavenliness?  You Have time my friends yes all of you have time it is all in the mind, this, ‘No Time’.


 Time yourself when going into town to do some shopping. Did you make a list of what you need at home? Do you spend more than a glance at what you are buying or do you investigate and read all that is printed on the package label? When you get back home with your shopping do you wonder where the time went? Two or more hours for those few bits and pieces that you have bought from the shops.


You could have saved at least an hour by not looking at all of those wrapping labels are you still saying, ‘No Time.’


Bedtime; why not just close your eyes and sink into oblivion. Do not let anything disturb you from sinking. This is when you either sleep because you are tired or the time when you think about all that you could have done of all that you wanted to do. Then come the doubts and the excuses. No Time.


AS I have said before it is all in the mind. There is no such thing as No Time. Eternity is a state of mind that no one living in or on this world at the moment can identify him or herself with for that is what eternity is time. Time in movement, It is either coming or is with us or will be with us even in the far future. Think before you say NO Time. Make time push something in between your pleasures if it goes no other way , but do it and you will always have time.

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