Are They Really My Legs?

Bern's Prose.

Are They Really My Legs?


Sometimes I have my doubts, legs that play silly buggers when I am with the Wife shopping are a nuisance. With my walking stick clutched tight in my right hand I want to go forward, my legs stick to the floor and for some unknown reason the left leg starts to shake, You might think that I am going to start a tap dance all on my own in the middle of a busy shopping Mall. No it is not the start of a new kind of dance it is Parkinson’s way of showing me that he Dr Parkinson now has complete control. My lovely wife takes me by the arm and with the command, Left foot forward March followed by right foot forward march. Parkinson loosens his grip and I am moving again. Now comes the time when I start thinking, did I take my tablets this morning or not? I always have a few tablets called Sinemet forte in my tablet case. Again comes the thought if I have taken my morning tablets will another one now do me any harm?


With a bit of luck and a lot of determination I carry on shopping with the wife. My wife still drives the car and we are both worried about the other road users, those that go at speeds above the fifty-kilometre limit. Daily we see the people with cars that are in a flaming hurry. One never sees a Police Officer it is as if they have all gone on holiday Up until now both my wife and I have clean licences. I stopped driving when Parkinson was diagnosed and I had to take tablets. Thank goodness my tablets over the years have been reduced it is now daily six Sinomet and a few others for various things that the Doctors have found over the years. My latest complaint is Prostates, and believe me it is not something that any one wants. I must not give the impression that I am complaining; I have managed with the help of my lovely wife to master most things my love for driving well my computer has taken its place. I manage to write something every day either some prose or poetry depending on what kind of mood I am in. Here a warning, be careful if you write a book. Any kind of book be aware that firms that advertise that they will print your books for nothing are usually a take on.I will not mention any names my first book was a firm in England the other five books were printed by a firm in America. Tantiemen or royalties were about six checks that would have cost me more to change in a bank than they were worth. That is why I do not bother to write any more books.

I still love writing and now write under the name of Bern your scribbler. My next little tale will be more in a happy note. I promise Bern your scribbler.



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