What Do You Think?

Bern's Prose.


What Do You Think?




Many think that this life is a game; certain rules have to be obeyed to play this game properly. Who made the rules that all are expected to play. Yes, Who made the rules? Mankind has been on this Earth for thousands of Generations. I myself think that each generation made new rules. Rules to suit each and every one of each new generation, no this would be impossible each individual wants different things from life. Think back two or three hundred years, not a very long time when one counts the number of generations that have lived and died.




From what I have observed in my life time, it is only now that the females are getting what for better words I will call Fair Play. It is only now that Men are considering giving the Females a fair chance where work is concerned. Why over the years going back generations did the females that did the same work as men get paid less. Females are not only the ones called in times of war to work in Factories doing work, yes the same work that for years was considered Men’s work. I wonder if in the next war women will be called to fight as Soldiers.




You say there will be no next war. Look around the world. Russia and parts of the Far East these are parts of the next war. The point I am trying to make is that the Females were at the time of Bodicea, Ancient Queen of England; now this was a Female that went to the defence of her country. She fought with the Females of those days. What happened that the Females over the generations were more or less dictated to by the men? Women, Yes now I have said that word, Women not the Latin word Females were expected to do the same work that men have done for less pay over generations. Another point why should women be caretakers of the homes? Should it not be Husband and Wife; both are partners or so I am told. I pride myself that my wife and I are not only lovers but both are equal there is no. I am the boss if it comes to it I ask my wife what she thinks and do you know what, Her way of thinking has put us both on the right track many a time.



Now one last plea, Women or if you will Females that do the same work as men. Must by law be paid the same wages as the men. Write to your Members of Parliament tell them to get their fingers out and give the ladies, I like that word much better the same wages for the same work. Tell the Parliamentarians that I Bern the scribbler claim this right for all women, Females and Ladies. After all without them there would be no more Generations. For a change let us treat them as equals. Then I would have no more complaints to write about

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