Fairies in Rhymes

Fairies In Rhymes.


Over the paper the Fairy Queen guides my willing hand.

Tells me stories of the little folk very hard to believe.

How fairies are all over the World, yes in every land.

It is we human folk that find them hard to perceive.


Fairy Folk are everywhere they should be easy to find.

The young and young in heart see them every day.

One must be innocent in body and especially in mind,

As Fairies constantly look for comrades to happily play.


One too must be of the loving type of Human Being,

Then the fairies will suddenly out of nowhere appear.

It helps when one uses one’s heart for seeing.

You will then see the fairies very, very clear.


I had told the Fairy Queen that no one believes any more.

Human Folk had accepted without question modern times.

The Fairy Queen said that she was not quite so sure.

For modern poets mention the Fairies in many of their rhymes.


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