Artistic drought.

I parked outside the doctors

and slowly went inside

the only thing that hurt me  

was deep inside, my pride.

The lady took my details

I had alot to tell,

the waiting room was busy

full of people sick, unwell.

I sat on Mr hard chair

it stabbed my soft behind

I glanced up at the ceiling

prayed the doctor to be kind.

At last and I was taken,

shown through a big oak door,

"sit down my friend and tell me

which part of you is sore."

"Oh Doctor you can help me

of that there is no doubt."

"What seems to be the trouble?"

"I have Artistic Drought."

"My God you silly bugger

you completly waste my time,

do you know how much I earn

by each hour that is chimned!"

"You sit in here and tell me

your poetry has dried up!"

"Well there"s the door you fool

and never mind the buts!"

"I specialize in medicine

yes that"s my only goal,

I don"t deal so much in poetry

or matters of the soul."

"You need to see a specialist

someone with more decorum,

I know the very people

just try a poetry forum."

"They help you once and allways

of that there is no doubt,

they hand out good advice

to help Artistic Drought."

and so I set off happy

relaxed and not a frown

artistic juices flowing.....

   and you know

I think I"ll write this down.

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