He's Hurt Me More Now Than Ever Before

The others

My heart has broken, worse than a sprain
The pain in me I can not contain
He's never hurt me this bad before
I feel the need for my blood to hit the floor
How could he be this way they are ours
In my life they are the brightest stars
How could he not care for the two of them
The kids we made, this behavior I will condemn
They deserve so much more than this, a father so good
A man so caring that by their side he stood
But this man is a coward, loser to the bone
To be there for his kids he has not shown
He doesn't care if I take them away
The sounds of his voice showed no dismay
My children are loving and deserve so much more
All he wants is to even the score
I'm so tired of being let down
Believing in him has made me a clown
But no more can I care if he's the father they need
No more can I get there and try to plead
I wanted them to love there dad
So I've tried so hard it's driven me mad
So mommy and daddy is who I will be
One day my daughter and son will see
That he was never the dad they needed
That with out this jerk they have succeeded
My children will grow up to be wonderful adults
And not have all the negative results
They do not need him and never did
So from our lives of him I'll rid

Cant stand you, how could you not care about our wonderful children who love you unconditionally, all they want is to spend time with you and you dont even try. but they will be fine without you becasue they have me!!!!

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