blah blah blah

The others

A strong willed heart
Ready to share her love
Found some one sweet
Or so she thought he was
He broke her to pieces
Tore her life to shreds
Made her cut and bleed
All over again
She swore to herself
Enough was enough
And begin to fix
All thats been done
She swore off men
Saying she will fall no more
because when you fall
It brings the pain
And in the end your left to hurt
But to obey these words is a task indeed
Because a man came in
And set her heart free
she let her walls down
To let him in
So she could love all over again
To get all that she deserves
But the lies all began
From the very start
The first few talks
He said "I'm a nice guy
not a jerk if you get to know me
You will see than for sure"
But then she got pregnant
And he forgot all they were
He let her down and turned to another
Lust is all that matters to him
When they fight he looks for someone else
And he has proven this to her
Over and over again
She's nothing special not anything good
A lost little puppy
Who'll remain in the woods
Alone in the dark is where she lye's
No one to love or hold her at night

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