Your absolutely amazing

Another Loss

I've never felt this way

Believing this guy might stay

Or been treated so sweetly,

It blows my mind completely

I am getting less and less afraid,

Don't feel like I'm being played

He is just so good,

I know I already like him more than I should

I can't help how he makes me feel

My heart I want him to steal

Maybe not steal cause I'd give it

I'd be his britt

I love the way you smile at me

And how absolutely silly we can be

I dont feel judged when I'm with you

most of these feelings I never knew

He make me feel pretty inside and out

And take away all my doubt

Never have I had a man like this

Some one who fills me with happiness


You are the most amazing man I've ever met... I've never laughed so hard or so much with anyone like I do with you..Thank you xoxo


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