
The knife appears in his hand,
Pressed close to her heart
He asks her again with his eyes,
She looks at him, unafraid,
He sighs,
She will not give in,
He gives her one last chance,
That is all,
He pushes with all his strength,
An evil look coming into his eyes,
Hers still glare defiantly at him,
And he watches as she falls to the floor,
He finally collapses,
Though he tried hard not to,
He looks at the blood that stains his hands,
And he drops the knife,
If she had only listened,
Given into what he wanted,
She'd be alive,
And he'd be satisfied,
One lonely tear slips down his cheek,
Regretting his quick decision,
He picks up the knife,
Still stained with her blood,
Puts it to his throat,
And cuts till he is no more,
His blood joins hers on the ground,
His body falls next to hers,
The knife falls,

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