The Hyena's laugh


Way before humans were around there was a time when living things were perfect in the eyes of the Gods. Due to their good behavior the Gods decided to give them complete thought autonomy, with the right to govern themselves as they wanted. Soon, the creatures of Earth gathered to create kingdoms. The chiefs of each kingdom was going to be elected by each group of animals: flying ones, sea dwellers, and land walkers. Flying ones elected the eagle, for his velocity and far sight power; sea dwellers chose the shark, for his ferocity and agility; and finally, the land walkers chose the lion, for his strength and gracefulness. All of the animals and creatures agreed about never to damage the other one in a way one species could get extinct. Every animal was free to hunt, every animal was free to to try to escape from a predator. 


So the story continued, and for many years animals and plants could live freely in wildlife with a balance between deaths, births and space. Among the land animals there was one who always defied the reign of the lion: the hyena. The hyena was filled with feelings of greed, avarice, but mostly, gluttony. The hyenas were known for overeating and fill their stomach up to the point of bursting. Prey animals and other predators complained about the hyenas attitude towards the food portions they were getting. 


The Lions decided along with the other members of the Council of Earth and their leaders, the eagle, and the shark, to put an end to this. The hyenas were expelled from the boundaries of the abundant and rich lands, and condemned to starvation until the end of the days.The hyenas were located in the rocky lands of the Death valley, with other color to sight but the grey and sad tone of the sky reflected by the earth. The biggest problem to the hyenas was the complete loneliness and isolation they were attached. Living in the nowhereland made them feel completely bored, with no other entertainment to their brain but their imagination. The Death valley grew nothing but a plant with unknown effects. Hyenas in order to about starvation, ate the plants, but their brains could not stand the powerful effects of the chemicals the plant contained.


Not very much time took for the hyenas to create comedy out of nowhere in their minds. Their mind was filled with mixed stories of them being the leaders of the world and kings of the lions filled with all of the vanities in this planet. 


The lions decided it was time for the hyenas to return, but their minds were already affected by the plants they consumed leaving a long-lasting effect of a non-stopping laugh they could not control. The other animals were annoyed, leaving the hyenas with no other company but themselves. 


And that´s why the hyenas laugh.


Boredom can be powerful.

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