7. Butterfly


“Can you hear your people in the earth?”

“Can you hear their footsteps?”

“The old ways are lost”

“It is not lost in you.”

“The change of the seasons,

the hunt, preparing for the coming snow-

it is all natural to you.”

“You feel the coming frost in your bones,

you are a survivor.”

“Respect the earth mother.”

“I feel so lost at times.”

I laid my head on her lap, as she stroked my hair

“Oh, I know you feel like a stranger in this world little Butterfly,

but your life is but a breath

and will end as soon as it began-

but remember the grandmothers are always with you.”

“Follow your heart-

the desires that have been there since you were a child-

those are the honest desires

the ones that were yours not anyone else’s doing.”

“Remember these things.”

“I wanted to dance,

I wanted to help the poor.

I wanted to love children that had no love.

I wanted to marry a woman.

I wanted children.

I wanted to end war.

I wanted to be a leader.”

“Now go to sleep Butterfly,

morning comes too soon.”

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