The universe inside me

Other stuff

There is a place deep inside my mind

When I stop and think and dream

There is a place where things are beautiful

And where things make sense

It is a place of serenity and joy

Its as if I can see all things

Not just the good things

But the awful and dark things too

But there is hope

There is light as if shining on this valley of darkness

I again have hope in this moment

I have a sense of purpose

And am absent of all fear

I know all yet nothing

When I stop and think

I go inside of myself

Beyond myself

Beyond this skin, flesh and bone

I see the past

Not I as in who I am in this life but my soul

Stripped of all of this life

And I can see the past ages

I know where I have been

Who I have been

I have this sense of emptiness and fullness

Pain and joy

And I do feel complete

I am like a tree who’s roots stretch and grow

Farther and farther

Going beyond myself


I feel the energy the emotion in a single molecule

A drop of water

The power of a sigh that can be heard across time

All things have effect on each other

When I take a step the atoms in my body move and even things that appear solid like the ground move also

The two blend for a moment at contact

Causing an ripple effect making small almost immeasurable changes

The beat of butterflies’ wings can be felt outside of our universe

All things are interconnected

Power is in all

Power is in me

I am in all, all is in me

The energy flows constant


Things are set in motion that cannot be undone

A child’s tear can be sensed for light years

And pain and smiles, and the bringing of new life into this world

And the passing onto the next

I stop and think

And wonder

What ifs are endless

We are all so interconnected

Everyone you come into contact with leaves a lasting impression that in a way alters your path in one way or another

Forever changing

There is a place deep in the recesses of my mind

It is a universe

The universe inside me

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