
I can feel the high coming for me

Creeping slowly through my veins

A warmth spreads from my toes

Until it finally reaches my brain

An urge so deep to touch

Lingers in tingling hands

Every fear washed away

As I find comfort in the sand

Its a freedom so profound

Mere words cannot explain

How all was right in the world

Like I've never experienced pain

A sensation so elusive

I have no care at all

I know this drug will catch me

If ever I shall fall

Sleep is not an option

I cannot miss this high

I pray this will never end

That this feeling never dies

I take a hit from the bowl

The smoke is so smooth and dense

Even a cigarette to my lips

Feels so much more intense

Liquor cools, but burns my throat

It tastes so icy hot

What normally makes me cringe

Right now, it hits the spot

I lay and spin looking at the sky

In the stars and blackness, I drown

I never want to leave this place

And I refuse to come back down.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Take a trip, took a Molly"


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