Lynn is crying

I sat there and listened to everything. The I love all of you

The I’m here for you

The we’re just friends nothing more nothing less.

Yet you kiss me like you’ve kissed me before.

Yet you hold me close like there is no tomorrow.

However in all the rush to “be” there I never got an official break up

Just being told by everyone else but not you.

Lynn is crying because she would like to hear it from the one person who won’t tell her it is over just that she is her friend and won’t tell her anything else. Or to quote I’m only going to tell you that. I don’t have to tell you anything else.

Lynn is crying because amidst all the stuff she thought she would have been able to handle it all.

Lynn is crying over the fact that her mother cried over Lynn and Marla being over and it hurt Lynn more than ever.

Lynn is crying.

Lynn is crying

Lynn is crying and doesn’t want to cry anymore.

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