You wanted me to write this so here I go

Giving you nothing but your lies to show

I’m writing this so the world will hear

And once in for all I confront my fear

You hurt me with all your abuse and lies

Even going so far as making me cry

Cry over the things you said and did

While behind all the lies you hid and hid

Five years you’ve continued on your personal journey of noncare

Causing me and my family more harm and despair

First it was the story about drugs

Saying nothing about my hugs

Then came the user/abuser lines

Again the lies you stood behind

Maybe it’s true what my therapist said

I should take time to get in your head

Someone who must still have feelings for me

Someone who holds onto their own fantasy

My smile again you will never own

You will never again come into my personal home

You wanted me to write this for your way to get me

I wanted to write it for my personal liberty.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

you know who you are and i apologize that my happiness causing you pain it"s your burden to bare not mine

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