My friend Cion ran across my ex girlfriend Stacy’s page on post poems and pointed it out to me.

I looked, smile, and for once realized that it doesn’t hurt anymore.

The blame that she blames me for the lies the everything

It doesn’t hurt anymore.

Maybe because I have other things to deal with like being married to get divorced from a “man” or realizing what I told her before about liking dick or even knowing that I worship one block from the house that she chose to reside and I feel safe now, not living in fear.

It doesn’t hurt anymore the daggers that once pierced my heart in desperation of a woman gone mad only to use the words of evisceration to invalidate everything about me from my service to family to education.

It doesn’t hurt anymore because I look at the bridges of friendships that were once lost that are now rebuild and stronger than ever. I talk to a wonderful man whom loved me and was my first love as he is happy with someone else but still is there for ”my” friendship.

It doesn’t hurt anymore because like Dr. Phil life rule. I’m someone who gets it.

I get it that every relationship with the exception of one was someone out to use me.

I get it that I may be Bipolar but I’m not “her” Bipolar.

I get it that people who know you really know you and what people say are just words.

People who know you, know you, and I will never forget being with a partner singing and one of the guys from the church asking/begging my then partner to bring me back and trade up me for my ex and lack of drama of my part and full of drama on hers. Only to hear from my then partner. I would never stop Lynn from going back there. She loved being part of the choir, but she’s an ordained minister now with impeccable credentials if she chooses to go back I’ll be by her side and it’s her choice.

It doesn’t hurt anymore, because I no longer give the control.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

live your life. be free be happy. be real.


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