Still Tomorrow.

When you look up to the starry skies,

wish you could live every day like this one,

freeze frame a single moment in your heart,

hit the pause button just one last time.

The rainiest of days makes you smile,

maybe today you can live out the dream,

that chill you feel, when its not even cold,

the unexplainable way you just know.

Everyone surrounding you never knows why,

the feeling like someones hit repeat,

going round in neverending circles,

but your one of few who knows the reason.

There are few people who can just sit & watch,

The way each action, moment effects everyone,

We are all just human beings, with emotions,

barriers, strengths and weaknesses.

Through my eyes I see the world in many ways,

every person is like a rain drop, just falling,

then when it hits something it creates ripples,

these ripples are all the others effected by a single action.

If you've ever touched someones hand,

Helped them get back up from being pushed down,

you will know the feeling, you just know,

even for a second looking into one anothers eyes.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

" Sometimes the heart see's what is invisible to the eye"

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