Decade faded mishap
startling cried whelp
negligee black
whip smart criticism
aching need to erupt as I speak
ad bellow forth
conquerable midlands
forlorn mindsets
ache and scratch at the side
of billions and billions of stars
loading pinstripe bottoms up
requiem chanting
bottle rockets spraying forth mutiny
unwind unwound jack in the box
jabber walkie
pin riddle demon streak
chemicalized recreation
belittle quiver lust
regroup banter struck
undo little crumb cake
wavy light triple decked form
baste cake walk tightly
then abate and slip away easily
star light star brite
bewilder me in sickening child like fright
weighty on my child's dragon
cuddled tattoo
gleaming in wild ways
evicted from compassion
and smoldering to be free

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