On the entrails of a tolerated mass delusion
scraggly wraggly entrenchment
in detached on target
penetrating clique
of the sameness differential movement
to downsize the many infractions
of a sift and sand
down falling cascade
in leukemia transgressing
entrapment in a state to which
the bendy various alloys
crunch reseated inset
niches in the bleed through
rust caressing
vulnerable and invulnerable
baby eyed infallible
taunting to the great beasts belly
and eliciting a dark then
quickly changing rabid laughter
cornered and forced to squeal
and spill out a gut wrenching
scathing jump out of blind
and locate an eye scraping
mind bending
on a massive dislocated
and reinvented
laying crosswise
in a fold violating
rummaging lazy days parade
in a bomb shelters
true on setting
paradise lost and found
take away the jailers key
conclude and un-elude
incept elusive
cagy strain of lost and found
undo the screwed center point
of villainous in the mind
of a vibrating acid bathed lactation
permitted to reverse time flow
and temporarily rule over
sweaty eyed maddened
leach men
and coach their age stricken broach
of the eyelash throng
wrong way errant flouting
in a place to obscure treading
on open free form marrying
to a pre-existent visage
jolly old constant nailing
to the wall vacant fall

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