Hate that you're gone

people thought we were dating..or that we were at least sleeping with each other.. we just connected.. ying and yang, you're part of my process in the adventure that is 'who the fuck am i' and 'where am i going'. so much alike, so much different at the same time. dressed like twins, matching like a couple..it was hard not to do everything together. perfect wingman. perfect partner in crime. we were running through moments like a platonic whirlwind romance. growing up. growing in general. becoming who we wanted to be, discovering who we are. we made a home and made a theme. Love. just want to love and be loved. that was it, a simple sentence with an elaborate thought. platonic soul mates, best of friends, sisters. we became family in our hearts. you finally gave me something i've always wanted. a feeling of home, Family and love. i finally unpacked all my boxes and thought of tomorrow. i miss you.. i miss you. i miss you. i miss you. always. Hey superman, your presence still lives. I don't know if there's an afterlife or what.. But energy never dies. I'll try to make you laugh and smile, if your spirit decides it wants to peek into my life. Love you forever, the batman and ying to your superhero yang

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