The Application of spirit and love

An open mind learns from every situation.

Life is more of a journey than a destination with the companions you share moments with constantly changing.

Time is an illusion, sometimes a 5 second moment can impact your life more than a consistent moment spanned over a course of a few years.

Love is something that cannot be easily defined, its something expressed more so than said.

“The mind loves whatever repeats a pleasurable experience from the past. "I love this" basically means "I love repeating what felt so good before."

Their comes times in lives where people embrace change,

and over night something that satisfied you yesterday seems to be bland today,

most common with taste buds and music.


Yet, fear is the polar opposite of love,

we can continue routines out of fear that we will lose love and keep working to one day restore the love in whatever routine we are in.

Or love continuing a routine because love for the routine.

Like playing music, any sport one may have appreciation for.

Life is kind of like a sports game. Everyone around you is on your team or trying to score on you. The ball is always in your court, In a world controlled by fear the most courageous thing you can do is selflessly love.

The spirit is something that is free, something feared due to its ability to not be controlled.

When the spirit feels confined it will find a way to break free,

regardless if the spirit is aware of its own actions or not.

The most damaging thing one can do is prolong time out of fear of pain.

You already made up your mind on what it is you want to do.

So all the answers you wish to find are already there.

They usually disguise themselves as questions you cannot find answers too.

because the question in itself is the answer.

I enjoy helping people help themselves by not giving them the answers but give them the tools to find what it is they are truly looking for.

It's better to show someone the paths one can take instead of trying to lead them down one.

The most important connection in the world is the connection one has with themselves.

Sending you some positive energy. There is no such thing as right or wrong.

Its what is, and what isn't.

and you are the only person who can decide between the two.

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