Christmas Time



 Christmas time steadily approaches.

Invites sent and replies received for the Yuletide season.

For christmas time family gathers and broaches;

To celebrate the Christ child or Yuletide is the reason.

Whilst looking forward to the Yule feast:

Anticipating the return of the Sun and Spring.

Christ child born faraway in the East;

Applauding the battle of birth, light and living.

Decorated Yule tree and Yule log:

All are gathered for the Winter party of plenty.

Cheering in both Christmas and Yuletide without apology.

Gorged are the family but no plate empty.

The exchange of presents, tokens and sweets:

All so merry, giving and receiving.

A surprise for each. Oh! what treats.

Presents for each; so Father Christmas arrived this evening!

Author's Notes/Comments: 



Good will to all.

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