crushes not returned

Just Friends

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My thoughts
Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is written about a guy at my school, that I like(d), and he asked me for my number on Monday, and even though my mom doesn't like boys having my number, I gave it to him. He said he'd call me. And he did. It started out as a cute little phone call, I answered, and he said "Hello? hello? hello?" and I said "Really?", to which he responded "oh, there you are!" So he continues talking and asks if he can call me again at 9:30, because he has v-ball soon. I said no, that I won't have my phone at 9. He asked why and I told him that I have a curfew at 8 for my phone. He asked me how old I am (which my mom told me afterwards, that asking that was a form of a put down.) and I told him that I'm 16. He responded by saying that he doesn't know any 16 year old who has a curfew on their phone.
It turns out that all he wanted was to find out what time I'd be at school, so he'd know that I'd be there whenever he came to school, so he could get my study guide to copy off of! X'(

I'm edditing this as I think of things that will rhyme and tell what i'm feeling...

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