Trinity of Hearts


by: Pushkva 4/8/02
One heart, FULL of Christ,
Yearning for love,
Wanting to give,
Redeemed, yet broken, battered,
Shattered, and torn,
Confused, abused, taken for granted,
Tired, weary, and desperate,
No longer willing to live.
Lured by many,
Won by one
Blue Sky Knight forever given.


One heart, TRANSFORMED by Christ,
Learning to love,
Loving well,
Sacrificing self for multitudes,
Thoughts of others first come,
Outcasts, the hurting, and
Those rejected are welcomed.
Thinking more highly of the least of these,
Bringing healing, grace, and restoration.
Willing to be used and abused,
For the sake of suffering
That is worthy of the Lamb.
Owned by one, but promised to the Knight,
Who brings new breath,
By silver thread be bound.


One heart, FILLED with Christ,
Turning to the Author of Love,
Becoming Love,
A Mother’s heart,
Holy, pure, and righteous,
Adoring the Son, worshipping in spirit and truth,
Humble handmaiden serving her King
With hands blessed with Holy waters.
Kneeling with silent voice
Ascending to the Garden.
Raining praises upon the altar of sacrifice,
Solely devoted to the vicarious
Lamb of God.

This heart, wedded to one in the visible,
Is given and melded to her Joseph Heart
In vows at the altar of the
Sacred Heart.

A Trinity of Hearts,
Moving through a Trinity of decades,
And into the Sweet Refrain,
With honeymoon celebrating
Union of Blue Sky and Garden,
Green Waves and Meadow
Becoming one in
Soulmates…Kindred spirits
Two White Stones, united securely
At the center of eternal love,
That reaches beyond the veil.

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heatherburns35's picture

trinity of hearts

you have presented a beautifully written poem.
The metaphors are lovely. With Christ being the
center piece. Your last stanza is most beautiful.
excellent penning. hbw