
Upon hill I stand

Catching glimpse of realm of beauty

Distant far, tower majestic snowcaps

Canopy of blue blanketing healing waters

Reflecting grace of creation

Universe dances


Simplicity of stone beneath layers lies

Humbly waits for THAT MOMENT

Heaviness of sediment and strata it bears

Holding darkness in place

Dirt covering exultant illumine.


Bottom of dry river remains

Burdens of the world pressing in

Held fast by bedrock of His love

In time, mercy arrives

Driving in the stake.


Hammers heard.

            Chisel felt

                        It hurts. It’s difficult.

“Leave me alone!” Stone yells.

“It’s too much pain!”

            “I can’t take it anymore!”


Weight of the world lessens

Life, as known, crumbling all around

Finally, one last strike

            Release is made

                        But more like Rescue

                                    But actually Redemption


Stone falls from trapped struggle

True purpose begins, yet to be known


Nothing special

Just a pile of rocks

Covered in grime

Carried to cleansing waters

Angels smile anticipating joy received


Immersed in gentle waves

Raised in Hope upon altar laid

Light shines through as glass

Revealing inner beauty


Still more work needed

More suffering to endure

Cutting, shaping, within the Master’s hand.

Warmth of His touch

Pressing upon abrasive wheel of life

Rough edges smoothened and polished


Facet created!

Displaying with grandeur

His light in full spectrum

            Even the littlest facet

                        Radiating complete fullness of rainbow’s stream

                                    Magnificent brilliance unsurpassed



Has come.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired from mining for sapphires in Montana.  I wish that we were able to insert photos on this website. My wife and I found some very beautiful gems; sapphires (blue, yellow, and pink), garnets, topaz, and even a diamond from virgin earth.  First time these were seen by human eyes perhaps.

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saiom's picture

    beautiful beautiful



beautiful beautiful



Pushkva's picture

From patriciajj

A very insightful, metaphorical illustration of our journey from tribulation to splendor. With resplendent imagery, you gave great depth to the transformation and concluded with a feeling of victory, of divine joy. Lovely work. 

S74rw4rd's picture

Very compelling imagery.

Very compelling imagery.


sootyash's picture


Loved the imagery. :)

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