I am a Black Supremacist!!!!


"I do not allow

for white, cacausian

to have money, economy ( Heba said: Youtube)

I am a Black Supremacist

who is sad, depressed, angry

and envious, jealous too!!!!


I need a fix at night, all the time

like the Money Owl who looks at me

to see me like I am a bird, an animal like itself, through me

it kills other Owls and birds

Envy is "bad"? It is a sin and you will

never be happy being jealous?


I am half white, or a quater white 

Portuguese origins also maybe Arabic

so how come I am a Black Supremacist?


I talk to birds, black long worms that look like snakes

also the moon, the sun, the wind: Nubulea: mountains

Volcanoes, and caves and cavearns!!!

The planets are not cold nor are the constellation, also Gia, 

No Doplhines are not leaving us!!!!


Chiken tonight!!!! And Fish lunches, salad are better today!!!!

ice cream at Bilaal's not his Shop but the name  makes

me go to sleep in light!!!! Shusi, Haring fishes,

The ocean and my wallflower wall 

is not done or undone: I am not done or undone


I dance with Elvis, Whitney Houston

Mariyln Monroe, Rita Hayworth

You look like me, dress like me

My Interview with Vlad and the African American

Interview Toures!!!! I am Celebrity, I am famous

A sensation!!!


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