As someone called to the ministry at a young age I feel sorrow and shame at the fact that someone so Anointed of God acted in such a manner. How can you try to reach for souls when your own words push us away?  I hear your words of anger and I wonder if you saw me on the street would you judge me like you judge others.  I wonder if you would look at my African-American looking skin tone and say just that…she's African-American.  Not realizing that I am a mixed race person.  The blood of Cherokee flowing through my veins, also French and yes a little African-American. You ask, what are these words of judgment that you choose to reign down on my generation? " May as well call it Gay U instead of KU."

Speaking from my own personal experience whenever someone would approach me in anger, judging, demeaning and condemning me, it just pushed me away from him or her instead of drawing me near. In a way it is like my family taught me.  You can draw more bees with honey than with vinegar. I understand in your eyes I may be just a speck of a person, especially once you look into my past and see that at one point in my life I was and am still part of the family that is the GLBT community.

However right now with your words of anger I feel as though you have painted a target on my back or a big scarlet letter A. It is like we wear different glasses.  I look at the soul, the person created in the image of God, while it appears that all you see is the sin. We are all sinners saved by grace. We are no better or worse than anyone else and we are all one sin away from missing glory. With the only true judge being God it makes you wonder why in this end time some allow themselves to teach hate and judge others.

What I'm saying is that there needs to be a call to action. When are we going to stop looking at the sin or clothes or past and start looking at the soul?  I for one refuse to have another discussion with friends and family where I am spewing hate. It is not my job to judge what people do behind close doors. My job as a Christian is to pray, be helpful, be loving, show kindness, compassion. My job however is not to judge, demean criticize and hate. I do not fell comfortable saying that I am a child of Christ if I were to do such things. In my eyes by showing that kind of mean and bitterness I would have already condemned my own self to a fiery hell. What example does that show your children when you act that way?  The hypocrisy of it all is what kept me away from the church for years.  I WASN'T SAVED BY RELIGON, GRACE SAVED ME.  I came back to God not because someone kept telling me how wrong I was, but because someone took the time to know me. They didn't see my sin.  They saw my soul.  They were sent to me in my brokenness without condemning or demeaning me.  Not catch on having to look like everyone else.  I was just me, a sinner saved by grace. I wish you could have the sight and experiences I have had to be able to see the soul that needs help and not the sin.

I felt in my heart that I needed to write this because it pricked my soul, touched my heart, and especially brought tears to my eyes.  I thought about listening to the radio show and thanking, my child just heard that.  His small voice saying, " are people going to throw rocks in our windows like what happened to different people in the past because we're not or I'm not completely white?"  

Being mixed race and raising a mixed race child at times can be a challenge.  No matter how many times I say there is no color or that we are all the same in God's eyes he still hears the words others say.  Words like,"Fags go to hell, Nigger go back to Africa where you came from, Black people move in and bring the property values down, All mixed children are bastards." How can I teach and tell my child to love with other persons who he looks up to are teaching and telling him to hate. Plain and simple to me it all goes back to we need to start carrying for the soul and not the sin.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just Something here that needs to be said.

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