In the silence I realized that I longed to feel her touch.  I needed to feel her inside of me.  I had to be with her.  Never had I tasted pussy so sweet like pure nectar from the Gods. I thought I was the wild untamed spirit as I found myself running from emotions and sending out my cry of heartache on the winds and whispers of despair. I was now her girlfriend and she mine, my bulldog, my butch. In less than 24 hours she took a woman who thought she was powerful, strong, dominating and showed her not only what a real butch was but what a real femme was. The person looking back in the mirror at myself was me, a real femme, strong with my own identity, sensuality and yes her woman.  Her chocolate, submissive, yet powerful woman with take me eyes and take me hard lips. She let me do things I had only dreamed of and allowed me to be the person I am.  The wildcat in bed and the polite sweet young lady in the daytime.  Her words, “you had some pussy butches before you met me. They should’ve taught you better, but they weren’t real butches.  Now you have a real butch.”  My body longed for her to take me, throw me on my back and fuck me hard until I couldn’t come anymore. Kiss me like there was no tomorrow and of course hold me with my waking up in her arms.  I became enraptured over just thinking about her and her smell.  Her body next to mine. I thought I just need one full day to get this right.

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