

Times in 2023
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"Her Glacier"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"Normally I'm all about the sensory imagery and using a wide vocabulary, and I know that poetry tends to be much more elaborate than prose, but I feel like the emotions and symbolism you are trying to convey are being lost behind all the extra words you're squeezing in. A lot of the words you've chosen come across as either redundant or misplaced, and that gets a little distracting for your reader(s). As you keep working on this piece, consider whether some of your word choices could be pared back, simplified, or eliminated all together. That will help emphasize the meanings you are trying to express.
Also take some time to consider the purpose of your punctuation. I know that ellipses seem like a nice, dramatic way to emphasize specific phrases and images, but overusing them in this way makes the reader feel like they're constantly trying to catch their breath. Which, hey, could be the very point! Just a thought I had." - C.J. Holmes


Author's Notes/Comments: 

كمال كهربا

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*Today You Begin To Breathe*

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem isn't finished ..I got writers block.. I'll come back to it 

*It's Not Fair You're Gone, But Your Memory Will Remain*

Author's Notes/Comments: 

dedicate to a friend of mine who died in his sleep

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*The Tears Of An Angel Only Angels Cry*

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dedicated to my angel Derrick Mann

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How can abuse be love???

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this one because its my past and i wanted to find a way to get past it, and nothing i have tried so far would let me, i know its gonna be hard to let go of 24 years of abuse but with the grace of god he will see me thru it, i might not be able to fully let go but all i can do is my best and let god take care of the rest, and to everyone out there abuse is not love believe me i know the difference now, how can it? dont let anyone tell you different, abuse is abuse no matter how small!!!!!!


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