Another Soporific Allegory

Ludicrous men, of crazed ravings. 

Seeking a mask of gold so grandiose

Exuding brilliance, they suffocate in normalcy. 

Too many hours on words held transient,

hysterical mothers, so tangible.

Futility makes some wallow in solitude. 

Yet for the intelligent, 

it is the only source of happiness. 


Lush lexical choices

of men who fear going unnoticed. 

Seeking persona in Plato's cave.

The allegory of a dark room horrifies.

You claim to be misunderstood,

yet your trodden words are soporific.

I think what I ask of you is this:

Stop writing shit poetry

To cope with your lack of identity. 





Author's Notes/Comments: 

A letter to myself


With Love

Xander Mitchell


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allets's picture

If I Did Not

write poetry, identiy would be hard to find. Still, living has its perks. Breathing, for example. (I'm 68ish going on 105ish). Intersting write - just had to bring up the cave huh? :D slc



THWYALG's picture

Dark, mysterious and

Dark, mysterious and self-deprecating. 
