No Longer Young

Pictures in my head

A hall of mirrors and grand illusions

Who I have

Is now not the girl of “back when”

Love was new and confusing

True and supposing that it’d last forever

Young hearts now no longer young

Now that “flawless” is past tense and gone

I long for days of innocence

And, pray to God for its return

Distance became a healing scene

Until distance stole the hopes and dreams

I once had

And, now I’d like them back

If only the cards weren’t stacked against

The fact that distance stole your laugh away from me

I can hear it loud

Like the echo of my feet pounding the earth

So, now that I’ve turned around

I’ll keep my eyes and ears and heart open

Until I hear that sweet sound I’ve been missing

Though, young hearts are no longer young

The flawless time took, deepened a truer love

And, though innocence may be gone

I pray somehow we’ll find a more intimate song

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