Sexual Minds and Their Demise

You can be the most handsome man, the most gorgeous woman...but if you can't bring anything to the table beyond aesthetics, there's going to be a problem. We're told to idolize one dimensional people with fake body parts and personalities; that our shells should be dazzling, or we're worth naught.  
We're force fed skewed beliefs then vomit them on various platforms.  Perfectly trained to let media do our thinking for us; lobotomize free will and replace it with a television. Stay in line, or maybe revolt. Follow the leader. Simon says boycott, Simon says riot, but just enough to anger to other side. Just enough to ever fuel the fire of division. Simon says. 
My god. 
Put down your phone and talk to me about the cosmos. The overwhelming enormity of the Galaxy. Pick my brain about the utterly faulty way we go about dating now, and how commitment has become a dirty word.
Let's discuss books- better yet, let's read the same one, separately, then come together and discuss it! An actual book. A novel. The kind that you don't have to turn on or charge, but requires a hand to turn a page, and imagination to create a minds eye movie of the authors tale. 
Genuine thinkers and creative minds are in scarily low supply these days. I'm not just talking about men- this is a PSA to anyone who will listen. You can have rock hard abs, the most reblogged thigh gap on Tumblr, whatever it is that society has told you makes you relevant and defines your worth-- but I'm here to tell you it's a complete farce.
If someone combs your mind and all they find is regurgitated Kim K quotes, or Scott Hermans diet plan, (paired with a handful of dust bunnies), then I'm sad for you. It all means nothing. Sure, there's nothing wrong with a rockin bod with great definition and striations, or 'the perfect fishtail braid', but offer something more. Be real. Be YOU. The things you pin on Pinterest don't define who you are as an individual- you do. THAT'S who I want to know. That's how you'll leave your mark on what's rapidly becoming a carbon copy society. Intelligence is sexy. Individuality is sexy. Creativity is sexy. Being who you are, regardless of media and societal pressures....
That's fucking sexy.