The churchgoer

The churchgoer

He has the strongest faith

He stands above all the others

He knows what’s best

Going to mass every single Sunday morning

Taking part and this weekly ritual

Tribute to God

Giving all his problems

Giving all his love

Taking all he can

He stands, he kneels, he bows

Never sits for it’s not respectful

He teaches, nay

Preaches all he knows

All he thinks is right

His beliefs are the truth

No exceptions

His faith is forced upon others

Who aren’t on the “right” path

Whose faith is not as “strong”

Their beliefs? Their thoughts?

Forget them now

Leave them in the past

They won’t get you where you want

Or where you “should” be

You must follow the churchgoer

Observe his example

For he is right

You are wrong

Whether you are a churchgoer as well

You’ll never be like him

Now you can decide in your heart what is wrong or right

But you can’t choose anyway

Your free will has been taken

Your free will is gone

The churchgoer has control now

And there is nothing you can do

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