Too good


Early today

 Then I was online

Found something

 I wanted to buy

It was priced

 Way to low

No one else

 Was even close

Right away I knew

 What I had found

I found a price

 Too good to be true

Now and then

 Someone will steal

By selling something

 Very nice

With a price

 We can’t resist

We know that

 We should walk away

It is too good

 It won’t be real

But then

 Sometimes it is

So a fool

 Still we buy

And wait still

 We get the news

It was a lie

 Just as we knew





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Find A Penny

pick it up and get the measles or worse - nothing is free except the intangibles: laughter, love, help, joy et al. Knowing vs action vs discovery - cool write. - allets -