Truth In A World So Hollow

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
In a world so hollow
So many people
Their conformist rules
They demand you follow
Do this and be
Just like me

Wear this and look
Just like a supermodel
A world that makes you
Feel less than human
If you don't fit in
And be what and who
They want you to be
Pay them no mind
My darling
And don't give up
For this is a fight
You are meant to win

Buy this buy that
They like to buy you
With promises
That are made up
Do this be that
Stand up
Fight back 
Be you
Be unique
Be different
Be heard
Be seen
Be you

Be Free

Verse 2
Think like me

And be popular
There is nothing more

Than popular
Be popular
And be controlled

Just like me
It doesn't hurt
Just stop thinking
And let us
Do the rest 




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