The Weather in Manhatten

Our futures a vision,
Me and the end
holding hands
in fission,
The aftermath spells out: destruction,
We own it and owe it all to science
and of course the higher minds
who just had to supply it,
The one thing that will surely define us
and give us an array of horrible choices
Painted and plated in gold,
Platinum choices, girl,
We're all feeling supreme
But the time comes hun'
when we must accept 

the American Dream,
Curing diseases and never lifting fingers
How soon must we pay for Eden?
Hades licks his lips
for the king of flies has reserved our souls,
Just get ready for the resounding sounds of sirens
At any moments notice ready to alarm the lot
Me? You know where I'll be,
I'll be on the cliffs of destruction
hand in hand
with eternity

on one side
the end on the other
as they both whisper
"I'm waiting"

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