Rejoyce in the Lord always - Acrostic

R ing Bells Ring! to his greater glory!
E xtol His holy name !
J ubilate hills and seas !
O ceans and mountains, praise Him !
I nstruments resound in His praise !
C onstant like the daybreak is His faithfulness,
E arth and the heavens bow to Hiim.

I n the Lord alone put your trust !
N one He will ever forget !

T he Lord watches over His people,
H elper in need and Good Shepherd,
E verlasting is His mercy !

L ight of light !
O pening wide His arms
R uler supreme over all that is.
D eum de Deo !

A lpha and Omega !
L ove unconditional !
W ills to share His joy and glory,
A bundance He provides for His children.
Yearning for His children's love
S ing to Him a new song and dance with joy!

(C) Elizabeth Dandy

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Philippians 4:4-9

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