Wierd Dream.

Weird Dreams.


Something awoke me. Looking at my alarm clock I saw that it was half past two in the morning. I settled back on my pillow and tried to recall what it was that I dreamed to awaken me at this unearthly hour. My eyes became heavy and I fell into a light sleep. This dream I knew I must be able to talk about later when I got up and dressed ready for the day. In my dream I found myself standing by a conveyer belt. On the belt were babies, babies of all colours from every race residing here on earth. My job was to look the babies over to find any that gone past some kind of control that were not perfect. Baby after baby passed me by on the conveyer belt. I must admit I had not a clue as to what I was supposed to be looking for all the babies looked beautiful and perfect to my eyes.


The sound of an alarm bell startled me and I took my eyes from the conveyor belt. The belt stopped and the once silent babies were now screaming. I found myself with a baby in each arm trying to stop their crying. It was hopeless. While the belt was moving the children were quiet in fact most appeared to be asleep. A voice from somewhere over my head spoke, “ Why are you not doing your job properly? Four more days at the conveyer belt as punishment for not being alert. Four more days standing at this stupid belt watching babies that all looked perfect to me, this was too much I placed the two still crying babes back on the belt and took a step backwards. It was this step backwards that had woken me up before.


I felt my eyes closing again I was now at the end of the conveyer belt. My job now was to place the babies onto other conveyers. These conveyors were coloured. The white and pink babies went on to the white belt. The dark coloured babies onto the black belt. Another belt was for the yellow babies. I did my best but I am only human and as gently as possible I took each babe from the belt transferring it to one of the coloured belts. My arms were aching. My legs threatened to give way, I was not used to such work. My brain was still working and I placed the babies all mixed up on to the conveyer belts I did not bother to look what colour each baby had I just pushed them all onto the belt next to me. The alarm sounded once again. The same voice, this time it was complaining. I was useless who had employed me in the first place. People such as me should never be employed to work on this most important job of controlling the birth belts. My eyes flew open and once again I found myself looking at the alarm clock it was twenty minutes to seven o’clock.


I now had total recall of all my dreams. I felt exhausted my eyes when I finally went to the bathroom were bloodshot. My arms and legs were full of aching pains, my back felt as if it did not belong to me. Why am I telling you all this? Well just in case you get caught in such a series of dreams Use your brain get the machine confused. You will then open your eyes in your own bed thankful that it was just a bad dream. Bern

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