The Woodpecker.

The Woodpecker.


  A light tapping on my bedroom window woke me from a troubled dream. I thought at first it was one of the Fairies with a message for me. To my surprise it was a woodpecker tapping gently on my window. Pictures flashed through my mind it showed many birds all with empty nests. Someone had stolen all of the bird’s eggs. I had a quick wash and dressed myself hurriedly and went to the kitchen. Instead of making myself breakfast I went out into the woods of Fairyland. The noise that the birds were making was out of this world. Fairies flew here and there but no one had any idea of what had happened to the bird’s eggs robbed from their nests.


This problem is too much for me to Solve on my own Her Majesty must help. I managed to get one of the robins to go to Her Majesties Cottage asking her to come and see whether she could help with magic. The only birds that were not making any noise were the swallows they were high in the sky swooping to and fro catching the small insects that swarm on warm days. The warmer the day the higher the insects fly one may see the swallows flying in the sky if they are flying low there is low pressure if high a high pressure. One can always tell what weather it is by looking at the swallows.


Her Majesty arrived in her usual way a blue flash of light a whiff of smoke and she stood next to me. We greeted and I told Her Majesty about the birds nests all been robbed of their eggs and of the birds bitter complaints. Her majesty sent out a series of pictures into the bird’s minds. I was included and Her Majesty asked if any bird had noticed that the eggs had been taken from the nests. No bird even those brooding on their eggs had noticed that they were being robbed. It was just the woodpecker that sent back a picture to Her Majesty. It was pecking away at a tree making itself a new nest. Suddenly from nowhere eggs were moving all in one direction towards the East.


The next series of pictures from Her Majesty were if any strangers had been seen in the woods of Fairyland. Again it was the woodpecker that sent a picture back to the Queen. The picture was so clear that both Her Majesty and I called out that is Mordecai the Wizard. Now what would Mordecai want with all those bird’s eggs? Again it was the woodpecker that sent another picture to Her Majesty. The woodpecker’s nest was finished and she had the feeling that an egg was on the way. The woodpecker laid her egg and all watched as the egg slipped out of the freshly pecked nest and flew off in an Easterly direction. With a cry all of the birds followed the egg. The Owls the Jays the Robins the Wrens and Sparrows all chased the egg I have never seen so many birds at any one time.


The egg followed by the angry birds dropped into Mordecai’s hand. Screaming with rage bird after bird flew to Mordecai and pecked him. I will not tell you what Mordecai looked like after the birds had finished with him. Her Majesty appeared again and waved her magic wand. Eggs that Mordecai had stolen were now flying back to their respective nests with the birds flying behind them. Soon all was quiet in Fairyland just here and there a satisfied cheep of a mother bird was to be heard as it turned its eggs in the nest so that warmth went through all of the eggs. The swallows and house martins were still flying high in the sky they had missed the whole show, we still do not know why Mordecai stole all of the eggs it will remain a mystery, as Mordecai did not survive the bird’s attack. Bern.

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