Holiday? I hope So

Holiday? I Hope So.


I tell myself that it is no good upsetting oneself because the Fairies are not working to their usual standard. Perhaps they all need a holiday. After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It is not like the Fairies to lose their pride in their work. Each flower, each plant is thought out and planned down to the last detail. Nothing can go wrong so why the slip-shod work? Is it that magic is no longer so strong because people do not believe in magic any more? Are the fairies suffering from some form of deprivation in their food supplies? Normally fairy cakes are made from the petals of flowers, honey from the bees, a little flour and some special nectar juice. The making of which also underlies a magic process. Many a human has tried to produce what they call Fairy Cakes but none have ever come up to the quality of the real Fairy Cake.


Watching a few Fairies from my viewpoint under the foliage of the old oak tree I saw that their movements were normal not fast and not slow just about the right working tempo that the Fairies usually show. Something though was not right. I decided to follow this small group to see how they got through the day. Perhaps I told myself I could find out what is ailing them to make their work so shoddy. It was close to the stream that runs through Fairyland that I got my first clue as to what was wrong. Each Fairy had a small flask of drinking water on a belt around its waste. The flasks were filled with water from the stream. The following day I went straight to the stream and took a sample of the water. The water I sent by an owl to the Fairy University asking them to check if there had been any impurities in the water.


I got a long detailed report back from the Laboratories. The water was clean and fit to drink there was only one drawback the water is soaked with a substance that one can only call Lazyitus. Lazyitus has been added to the water to slow down the top speeds of persons working too hard. It is harmless really but if taken over a long period it can and does change the character of the person or persons drinking from the water. I had to read this report at least twice it must be someone with a very strong magic to be able to produce such a thing as Lazyitus. I decided to watch the stream and taking my sleeping bag I went to the banks of the stream and made myself comfortable. I spent a quiet night and on hearing the birds welcoming the new day by singing the Dawn Chorus I saw the Wizard Stopitgrow. He had a pigskin bladder that let a substance drip into the water of the stream. Taking a handful of magic dust I threw it at Stopitgrow. Stopitgrow froze and I made him drink from his own pigskin bladder. I pulled Stopitgrow’s tongue from his mouth and fixed it so that every ten minutes one drop of his Lazyitus dripped on to his tongue. I then made my report to Her majesty telling her what I had done to stop this Lazyitus from spreading. Her Majesty sent all of the Fairies away for a holiday abroad. Stopitgrow is still on the banks of the stream I think that the Lazyitus has stopped dripping onto his tongue but it will take a long time for the stream to wash away the magic dust that I used. Bern.

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