Royal Reward.


Royal Reward.


Fairyland is looking at its best all of the Fairies have worked really hard to get all of the growing things such as trees, bushes, flowers, fruits and nuts to flourish Her Majesty has proclaimed a holiday to any place in the world that the Fairies would like to visit. Many suggestions were made all were different of course. Some wanted to go to South America to the rain forests to see the butterflies and orchids that were every where to be seen, Others thought that Australia was the place to visit one could see so much in that large continent. The Fairies had seen much of Europe and all wanted to visit some wild romantic place. I was invited to accompany the Fairies and was asked where I would like to go. My choice was New Zealand I have heard that it is a lovely unspoilt country with many natural areas.

Whether it was my choice that helped Her Majesty to choose where we would spend the holiday I do not know but New Zealand was chosen. There was no need to pack any luggage all was provided by the Fairies that lived in our destination country. The great day arrived and the clearance was filled with excited Fairies all were talking about what they wanted to see. Were the fairy cakes different to our European Fairy Cakes? Would it rain while we were there and would the New Zealand Fairies be friendly?

Her Majesty appeared in a flash of bright blue light golden sparks were streaming from Her Majesties magic wand and I felt the strange feeling of travelling by magic. How long it took for us to land in a clearing in New Zealand I do not know. It only seemed like seconds I had forgotten to look at my watch as the strange feeling overcame me. I do not think that it took long but I cannot be sure. Soon we were being greeted by the New Zealand Fairies. Small groups wandered off until it was only Her Majesty and myself in the clearing which was very much like the clearing back home it even had an oak tree with large roots for me to make myself comfortable on. Her Majesty smiled at me and said I see that we are now alone. I cannot spend time on a holiday I must get back to Europe I am needed in France. I felt a weight on my shoulders. Her Majesty had given me a well-filled rucksack and told me to enjoy myself wandering around New Zealand. Her Majesty Vanished and I set off on my walking journey around New Zealand, I saw the Maori Folk all smiled and greeted very friendly and their hospitality to me was out of this world. I wandered over huge tracts of land where sheep were the only creatures apart from the birds and insects to be seen.

I wandered and wandered until I seemed to have returned to the same clearance that we had landed in on our journey to New Zealand. Once again I felt the strange pull of magic travel and arrived in the clearing by the old oak on the Dartford Heath. I was alone and walked to my house. All was clean and tidy fresh milk and butter was in my refrigerator and I soon had a fire burning in my old range. Tea and ginger snaps made an excellent meal after all the time I had spent in Lovely New Zealand. I cannot thank Her Majesty and the Fairies enough for such a wonderful trip so many thousands of miles distant from my home. Bern

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