Cookery Spells.


Cookery Spells.


The sun was slowly sinking in the west a few clouds scurried across the evening sky. The moon rose slowly, bright, with that pale glow that one associates with a full moon. I was slowly making my way back to my old house it had been a great day with the fairies. They showed me some new recipes and the fairies just for me put on a show of cooking that left me gasping, their knowledge of herbs is fantastic. The amount of herbs and flower petals that they used has given me enough information to write a long cookery book.




A group of fireflies were slowly flying in front of me to lighten my way through the woods. To tell you the truth I did not need them as the moon was full and I could see well enough but the fairies always thought of their guests, thus the fireflies. I arrived back home greeted by my dog Wag. Wag’s welcome was a short sharp bark just enough to appreciate that I had arrived home.




I fed Wag and refilled his water bowl. I then made myself a light evening meal. While I was eating, I made a few short notes about the various flower petals and herbs that the fairies had shown me during their cooking and with Wag at my heels, I made my way up to my bedroom. A quick wash and change into my pyjamas and I was ready for my bed. It had been a long exciting day and I soon fell into a deep sleep.




Wags short sharp bark wakened me. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that I had been asleep for some five hours. Wag’s growling was getting deeper it now came from the back of his throat. I threw on my dressing gown and taking a powerful torch, I went downstairs with Wag just ahead of me. On coming to the Kitchen I got a shock, the fire was burning brightly in my old fashioned stove. The heat in the kitchen was a little uncomfortable.




Pots and pans were on the top of the old range with all kinds of tempting smells coming from them. Herbs flew through the air to land in one or other of the pots and pans. I could see no one it was all very strange. The weirdest thing of all was a pen that moved over old parchment writing down recipes as they were cooking on the stove. Wag was furious he barked at the unseen beings, he knew they were there but like me, he could see no one.




This went on for another two hours with one spoon after another coming toward my face for me to taste what had just been cooked, To keep Wag quiet a large bone appeared out of nowhere and landed at his feet. Wag was delighted and with only the occasional growl came from his throat. Then it all came to an end, the pen stopped writing. The spoon disappeared and the pots just vanished from the top of the stove all was quiet in my kitchen.




The only thing left to remind me of the strange goings on were the pen and the recipe book. I took the book in my hand and read a few of the recipes. Herbs were at the back of the book with descriptions of what they were and what they were for, some are painted in colours to make their recognition easier.




I made myself a pot of tea and some toast and with fresh water and dog’s biscuits for Wag, I thought about all that gone on in my kitchen in the early hours of the morning. I now had a book of recipes with a wonderful description of herbs for use when cooking I decided to let the wise old fairies check it out to be sure that no one had been playing tricks on me.




I had no idea who the cooks were. I had tasted most of the dishes and I was still alive so it seems that no one wanted to harm me. Calling Wag I went into the woods and sent out a mental picture to Her Majesty Queen Feeana. Soon Her Majesty arrived and I showed her the book of recipes and my doubts as to whether all of the recipes were in order. Her Majesty smiled and sent a fairy to the wise old fairies to have them check the recipes.




Her Majesty then smiled and told me that my early morning visitors were the fairies they were so impressed at my being at their cookery show that they had decided to cook for me and write a recipe book at the same time. Soon the fairy arrived back with the cookery book it was not so thick as it had been when I gave it to the fairy and Her Majesty smiled and said that in their enthusiasm, the fairies had written in some very secret recipes and the wise old fairies had taken them out. The ones they had taken out were cookery spells for making something or some one disappear and a few others that no human was ready for just yet.




I still have the recipe book and perhaps one day I will ask Her Majesty, Queen Feeana, if I may have it published so that I can show you all the wonderful herbs and recipes that the fairies use. One thing that I can promise you, you will be surprised at what nature holds for us to eat there are many herbs that we do not know about.




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