A Short Fairy History.

  A Short Fairy History.

The Fairy Queen was telling me the stories of the fairies that go way back in time, the first fairies were different in many ways to those that roam the earth today. Their ears were large and pointed the nose was bigger and longer than it is today. The fairies of old were only able to perform very simple acts of magic such as lighting a fire or getting milk from the animals that roamed the earth in those far off days. The wings gradually developed over thousands of years. They were also bigger about the size of human children of about five today.


As the centuries passed different fairy groups appeared such as the Trolls, the Goblins, Gnomes, not forgetting the Leprechauns, and many, many more. Fairyland covered the whole of the earth in those far off days. There were horses that had wings and could fly. Dragons that did not really breathe out fire, It was a form of acid that burnt terribly if sprayed on a human or even it could eat its way through wood and the early forms of metal they were just discovering how to make. The Dragons of the old days did not eat damsels in distress but they could eat a cow or other animal if the got close enough to spray it with acid. Then there were the very shy unicorns they had a horn in the middle of the forehead. It was for the purpose of defence but it was rarely used.


Slowly but surely some of the old magic rubbed off on to humans such as the Witches and the Wizards most of them were harmless and concentrated on learning the secrets of nature, others were filled with the insane idea that they could make metals into gold. Others tried to make diamonds. The most successful of these old Wizards are spoken about especially by people living in the lands of the old Celts, France, England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland. Other parts of the world still remember the fairy folk but not many people are privileged to see them. Mainly the very young or the very old see the Fairy folk. Most of the older people think that they are having hallucinations and go to see a Doctor.


The last of the great magicians was Merlin. Merlin served at the court of King Arthur. He was well versed in the arts of healing with herbs but also had the gift of being able to see into the future. This helped King Arthur to make decisions as to how to fight against the many foes that fought against him.


Many of the old Witches were healers and learned how to make use of natures flowers and roots most of them were harmless and lived alone. Some of them kept a pet such as a cat or an owl, these creatures they found in the wilds either injured or fallen out of a nest. They were taken back to the cottage and nursed until they were well most of these animals and birds stayed with the witches and were kept as house pets.


More of the fairy History on some other day, there is lots to be told I am writing it all down as the Fairy Queen tells me about it.


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