Bristol Tale.

A Bristol Tale.

The noise of the train wheels going over the points with its La, da, de, da- -La, da, de, da, lulled me into a light sleep. There were two other passengers in the compartment, one of whom was reading a book the other steadily gazing out of the window. The train had left Paddington Station on time and we were picking up speed all of the time. Exchanging greetings as we entered the train there was now a silence among the passengers. I myself was due in Bristol in the south west of England This evening I had an invitation to give a lecture on Fairies and other beings from the world of magic. I had carefully prepared my papers and was taking this opportunity to catch up on my sleep. I had been working until late in the early hours of the morning to prepare my speech.


I awoke an hour later and took my small suitcase down from the luggage rack. Taking my thermos can I poured myself a cup of coffee and ate a corned beef sandwich. This was standard with me whenever I went on a long train journey coffee and corned beef sandwiches. The man was still reading his book, the title of which I could not see and the other was still looking out of the window. It was a corridor train and the conductor appeared asking for our tickets. He then moved on to the next compartment and all was silent again. The man put down his book and opened a small suitcase. His thermos bottle was the same as mine but he obviously preferred egg sandwiches. It was then that I saw the title of his book. Modern Witchcraft in England. I was now very curious but managed not to speak about magic and witchcraft.


The train eventually pulling in to Bristol Station all three of us left the train making our way to the exits. I knew of a small hotel and had previously booked for a day and a night. The hotel was half way between the Railway Station and the lecture hall where I was to give my speech. Having refreshed myself, I went out to a small restaurant and had a meal. The rest of the day I spent in a comfortable armchair going over my notes for my speech. The lecture was to begin at seven o’clock in the evening and many people were expected. Witchcraft it seems was very popular with the peoples of southwest England. I arrived at the lecture hall on time welcomed by the organisers of the lecture. I knew one of them as he had previously attended one of my lectures and it was his idea that I come to Bristol to talk of magic and witchcrafts.


The hall slowly filled with people most of the female Witches had a headscarf the men mostly had a tunic like dress that went down to their feet. Some had stars, the Sun, and the Moon richly embroidered into the dress. Introducing me to the Audience I stood for a few seconds trying to see the faces of the people. Then I gave my lecture in a loud firm voice. I explained a few magical spells that most of them knew and after an hour and a half of speaking, I asked if there were any questions. One very tall man stood up and asked me why I did not tell them about the Fairies and their hiding place in the winter months. This was dangerous ground. I laughed and said why the little people all go to the sunnier parts of the earth when it is cold and rainy or snowing in the northern hemisphere.


The man was very sarcastic with his next question, “Do the fairies take you with them when they go to the south?” I played ball and replied, “No I pay for my own holidays and usually go to Brighton.” He then asked me if it was true that I had a magic wand and magic dust not to mention a magic mirror, I smiled and said, “of course it is true why do you think so many people came here tonight.” “ I used my magic dust to entice you all to come, my magic wand I used on those of you that did not want to come.” “As for my Magic mirror it has given me your address and I am now able to look out for you. The man mumbled something and sat down angrily in his seat. I have often given lectures but up until now, I have never had any rudeness in any form. What was worrying me was how could he know about my magic wand and the mirror. Magic dust is for someone in the know easy to make but only Her Majesty Queen Feeana and a few wise old Fairies know that I have these things.


Going back to my hotel, I had the feeling that someone was following me. On reaching my room, I locked the door and looked out of the window. I was on the third floor so from the outside, I need fear no attack and I locked my bedroom door and placed a chair under the handle. This I thought would keep me safe through the night. I always leave a window open at night time to let in the fresh air. Putting on my Pyjamas I got into bed and soon dropped off into a light sleep. Something woke me I took the torch from my locker and cast a beam of light around the room. I saw a large tawny owl on my suitcase it was trying to open it.


I always have my magic dust handy and threw a handful over the owl. Nothing happened it really was an owl. A picture flashed through my mind it was of the man in the lecture hall who had asked me the questions. Reaching under my pillow I took out my magic wand pointing it at the owl it fled through the open window. I then took my magic mirror from out of my small case and looking into it, I saw the Wizard from the lecture. Pointing my wand at him, I watched him spin around in circles then he too disappeared like the owl. I went back to my bed and slept until morning. On going down to my breakfast, I saw a newspaper on my table. Looking into it on the second page was a report of two owls that had it seemed crashed and were now lying in the local vets office to undergo treatment. Finishing my breakfast I paid my hotel bill and went on down to the station where I caught the train from Bristol to Paddington.


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